About Jaewon:
Seoul, South Korea
DPQoL Involvement:
We’re using technology to support people with mobility disabilities. For example, we’re using digital home assistants like Amazon Alexa and smart devices to improve the lives of older adults with mobility disabilities. We’re also developing an app with Georgia Tech to detect falls in people who use wheelchairs and alert their care partners.
Career Goals:
My career goal is to become a faculty member at a U.S. research university. Currently, I’m actively developing my research skills, with a particular focus on environmental interventions and telehealth, aiming to enhance independent living for older adults in their homes.
Favorite Thing About Champaign/Urbana:
I am enjoying the distinct experience of all four seasons, which I missed during my time in Florida. There are also many good Korean restaurants in the area, which makes me feel better whenever I feel homesick.
Enjoyment Outside of School/Work:
I love a good Netflix binge in bed, but I’ve decided to prioritize getting back into a regular workout routine. After gaining a few extra pounds during the intense focus on my doctoral dissertation last year, I’m determined to stay healthy and fit, even though resisting delicious foods can be a challenge!